From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Family Day

Today, March 6th is the anniversary of us (Kids and I) moving in with Jane; the day we became a family. So, we celebrate this. Jane and I have our anniversary, (which is ours and I refuse to share) but the kids had no way of celebrating what, to be honest was a turning point in our lives.

Its been 7 years since we came to stay; its been VERY hard work sometimes (that is, the kids have) and I'm certain that it will be before they leave home; but I wouldn't change a second of it - even when the kids have been really bad!

We went to St Bees to sit in the sun and play on the beach. I read some more, then we stopped by to visit my dad and eat cake. Chips on the way home for kids (we were going to go out, but they got too wet and dirty, and everyone forgot about a change of clothes). But still, a good day!

*edit - straightened up after clickychick's suggestion*

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