My Year in Pictures

By jenny

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Had a great afternoon and evening yesterday with the mischief makers and their mum and dad. Though far too late to bed!

Then off to another friend and her family for Sunday lunch, followed by a fab couple of hours on Wandsworth Common. The kids and the grown up boys (!) played football and I took loads of pictures whilst chatting with my 33 week pregnant friend. I foolishly forgot to check whether it was okay to blip her children - the most adorable 6 1/2 year old twins that were born the night before our wedding at 31 weeks - so had to choose from the endless doggie shots I took!

Such fun having so much going on around us for me to photograph - all the dogs were hysterical and Bill had such fun - he was almost beside himself with excitement!

I spotted these two in the distance - the one on the right - some sort of pug type thing by the looks of him - had escaped from it's owner and chased after the BT which very nearly resulted in a bit of ding dong.

And after their respective exertions today I now have two very tired boys in the house.

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