Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Sleep Disruption

My erratic sleep schedule has me going crazy. I went to bed last night around 12-12:30, then woke up at 3:00am and could not go back to sleep. Finally tried to sleep again around 5am, but couldn't fall asleep till about 6:30-7am. Then finally woke up again at noon.

The only plus side to any of that was, during 3am to 5am I went online to find solace in a friend and ended up having a great conversation with a good friend. It was really comforting and after some of the stuff we talked about I couldn't have felt better about some things. Which right now is fantastic :)

As for the rest of the day, it was rather uneventful. I did clean up quite a bit. And have a fun conversation with Jess over webcam. The haircut I got yesterday is apparently too difficult for me to duplicate and when I tried I ended up with what I described as a clown fro. Jess suggested I blip it, but I couldn't bring myself to.

Chipotle for dinner and guitar hero with dad.

The tea I blipped is a sleepy time tea, in attempt to help my insomnia. We'll see how well it works :P

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