Jess & Molly Law

By jml


The trip to Marrakesh made for a long day - three hours there by coach, and the same back again. I chose not to go, but the hippy soul within Mrs jml took her onto the Marrakesh Express.

Here she is in one of the hotels, just before the serving of the cous-cous.

I stayed in Agadir and went for a walk around what was called a suk. Very disappointing - it was just a department store selling Moroccan handicrafts. They were very good - in different circumstances, I might have bought someting like a new, real leather, briefcase. But I had hoped to see the market place selling everything, and this was not it.

But the day was not spoiled - I found a back-street barber who gave me a good trim. One of the delights about having a haircut abroad is the chance to have a shave with a cut-throat razor. You won't get this at home nowadays ('Health & Safety'), but you often will abroad. My only problem was with interpretation. To me moyen meant 'medium'; but my haircut was so medium that I had to text Mrs jml, telling her that she might not recognise me back on board the ship!

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