young at heart

Tonight, Mrs theWeir and I enjoyed watching this film.

Little of the enjoyment was from the plot, or the terrible

Nope - it was from the sense of reality of how the characters interacted with each other. It was the reality of people growing up (in some stereotypical ways), having families and a little of the impact of technology on our behaviours. It was perhaps for us that we has spent time with family and friends over the weekend and *felt the love* from just being - not having to *do*. That was echoed in the film.

It was also from the ease with which they laughed at and with each other. It felt like the actors had a great time with each other too. Which is especially nice for them.

It is great to laugh.

This isn't a film review, but if you are remotely considering yourself close to a grown up, it may be worth 90 minutes of your life (unless your offence threshold is set to sub-zero).

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