Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic


The fire alarm bells went off this morning at work, about 9.15 am - gave us all a shock as it wasn't the fire drill test time (that's 11 am on Fridays) and we hadn't had any warning about a full drill this week.

So off we trouped, all 1200 people who work in our building. Luckily I work on the 1st floor so didn't have far to go - I'd have been panicking if I'd still been on the 9th floor getting my coffee from the canteen.

We have to gather in the underpass at Fiveways and wait for the people in hi-vis jackets to let us back in - good job it was nice and sunny. This is the view back towards the shopping centre from one of the exit tunnels, it is like a maze! In a few weeks, there will be some pretty flower-beds to blip - they've just been planted up but need a bit more time and sunshine.

We weren't out too long, apparently there was some drama to do with the heating but not sure how that set the fire alarm off. Maybe they thought if we all evacuated the building then stood in the sunshine for a while, we'd stop complaining about the building being freezing - it's always really cold on Mondays.

Added a bit of excitement to the day and got us all out in the sunshine anyway!

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