Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Bunny Attack!!

Was having a fairly bad day today. Ended up getting really angry at people I usually have no problem dealing with and often like. So, after two hours of torture, I made my escape. After a brief de-stressing with one of my roommates, I made it back downstairs to the grad lab. Convinced one of the guys to go with me on an adventure to the basement of the building. The lab is on the 'lower level', so the basement had always been a mystery to me. So, we went downstairs and found these guys (pictured). Briefly considered naming them, then realized that was a stupid idea. Made it farther into the basement including the boiler room which was pitch-black and we ended up using my camera's flash to give us some light. Propped the door open with my left shoe so we didn't get locked in. All in all, quite the adventure. Nothing super-exciting (other than some possible slime mold on the walls).

*just updated for yesterday. Check it!

&&Why should I give you money? Why? It's not like you need it. You're probably just faking it anyway. You're not really homeless, are you? You're one of those rich CEOs trying to get some extra money, aren't you? You'll never learn. You should stop taking money away from people who really need it. I don't trust people like you who just expect handouts. Stop pretending.&&

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