Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Snow - at last!

Brilliant to finally see some snow, but with it came no electricity! The power went off at 1 today at lunch, and the kids were sent home - magic, of course!

However, we all went home to houses without power, and Melvaig was only reconnected about 15 minutes ago - about 9 o'clock. It came on again, briefly, at 7.30 but this was just for about 20 minutes. It then went on and off again another twice. I almost wish it hadn't bothered. When there is no power, the stove heats the water, but there is no pump to send the heat round the radiators. So, I keep on having to run off the hot water.

Ironically, when the blizzards are blowing, it is almost impossible to get a good shot. This one was taken on the road home, when the sun suddenly made a wee appearance.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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