hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

London my London

Today I went to London for a conference on 'Funding the Future'. This is an annual event aimed mainly at the voluntary sector, but as it has representatives from many large Trusts and Foundations, is relevant to me. However, the presence of four government ministers speaking (mainly on how the Big Society idea is going to solve all our problems despite reductions in charitable funding) was repeatedly disappointing and depressing. The quantity of rhetoric is staggering, and I couldn't help thinking, as I gazed at Nick Hurd's tanned face, "when was the last time you went without a holiday or worse". Similarly, I'm afraid Lord Freud also left me frigid, and Ed Vaizey "educated at Magdalen College Oxford" ... well ... the whole day left me with a feeling of emptiness.

Meanwhile, London - my London - I always feel possessive about it. Sounds ridiculous but as a student of the history of London (MA don't you know) I get a sort of Stuart nostalgia for St Paul's; a Victorian longing for the alleys of the City; an '80s yearning for my years at Heaven, Gordon's wine bar and the Hippodrome. Today was no exception, viewing the magnificent and historic Thames from the Hungerford Bridge, as I walked in totally the wrong direction to the conference (never confuse Queen Elizabeth Hall with Queen Elizabeth Hall II. One is South Bank, one is Westminster). So much for my London.

But a beautiful if speedy walk from one to the other, via the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Portcullis House. Fabulous buildings, fabulous history.

Oh - and this - another part of London's ever evolving history - the skateboard arcade under the South Bank.

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