
By treegonk

Light meters and shutter speeds

I have been looking at these two cameras for a couple of months, thinking I should really get hold of some film and use them. I found them in my mum's attic and thought I'd show them some daylight.

The one on the right is a Kodak Autographic Vest Pocket camera from the early 1900s. It was apparently a common camera for soldiers to carry in the First World War. It takes 127 film, which I think I can still get. The Autographic part was that you could pull out a small end of each negative and write a description (or your autograph) on it. Your writing would be developed and included in the final print.

The left one is a Kershaw Penguin Eight-20. Don't know much about this one.

Both of them have just two or three aperture settings, one or two shutter speeds, no metering and no focusing. I need to get off my bum and get some film.

< A stack of back-blips if you'd like to have a look. (starting back here)

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