The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Caution - Man at Work

Philip and I have been busy working this evening - bleugh. I've been making up a "death by powerpoint" lesson and he's been trying to sort out his expenses. The kitchen table is covered in paper (I've been having to do some mental maths - never, ever a good sign) and there's receipts from all over England-shire down his end. The supper dishes are not yet washed and we haven't even had our cup of tea yet.

But needs must, got to keep the wolves from the door and all that other nonsense. Once I've blipped I'm turning off the computer and finding something less boring to do instead. I feel it may involve a cup of tea and a good book (currently reading "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", fascinating stuff about...well, you should buy it and read it or borrow it from the library or I'll give you a shot of my copy*)

*That last bit is a joke. I *never* lend books. It'd be like lending you a friend. And that, I believe, is actually illegal.

Nighty night blippers!

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