Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

"Hey Guys......."

..............and I've got a really good story about my husband today.

Our good friends stopped by late afternoon with coffee treats for us and a visit. It was so nice to see them. The kids were thrilled and immediately dug into the Star Wars Toys. And then we were introduced to the sixth member of the family, the fancy camera. Oh the fancy camera. The brand new blipper got her fancy camera. Luckily it is pretty similar to mine as far as the buttons and layout go so I began to show her as many things about it as I could. Within a half an hour, she was outside shooting manually. It took me six months. Man, she is a fast learner.

So the kids wanted to ride bikes in the neighborhood. We all walked along side them and my girlfriend and I took photos along the way. She has developed a very good eye and oftentimes, we found ourselves photographing the same thing at the same time. At one point, as we were huddled over the same flower, my husband looked over at us and laughed and said, "look at the camera goobs over there". Now that made me laugh. And we kept on shooting.

When we got to the big empty parking lot, my husband jumped on one of the freestyle bikes and started playing around on it a little. The kids gathered around and my son thought that his Daddy looked so cool doing tricks on the bike. Then my husband said, "Hey guys, check out this trick". He popped the front tire into the air and began bouncing the entire bike on the back tire. One jump.......two jump........"Ooooooooooh NOOOOOOOOO".......flat on his back. The laughter that sprung through my airways was deep and explosive but I stopped it right there. I covered my mouth with my hand willing myself not to laugh. I didn't yet know if he was okay. He hit the ground so hard. Our friends however were dying laughing. Bawling laughing. And then my husband started to laugh once the shock wore off. "Your tailbone, you broke your tailbone didn't you" I said. "No, no, I'm good" he said as he quickly jumped up. I still couldn't tell if he was really hurt or just playing it off like everything was fine. He had a bloodied elbow but jumped up and down to prove that everything was still working. Tomorrow morning will be the true test. But it does seem at this point that he completely lucked out. How he came out of that hard fall without a broken bone is beyond me. And the kids, the look of complete shock and awe on each of their faces was priceless.

So here he is. The dare devil. The guy who pushed the limits with every single sport he played causing his Mother more stress and worry than he'll ever know. And I am starting to understand what he put his Mother through because our son is doing the exact same thing. No fear. A need for speed and pure adrenaline. Oh my poor heart! But oh between the two of them, they keep life interesting. This is a photo pre-crash. I think the post crash would have included a slight grimace. Oh and my friend / blipper saw this whole thing play out through the lens of her new fancy camera. "Darn, can you do that again, I got a blurry shot". Now that is a true blipper right there!

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