Sinuous sunset

This is the last sunset I'll see in Orewa for a while and I feel a little sad about that. I have been well loved and looked after by family this past 2 weeks.

Tomorrow I must return home to Christchurch. My situation is pretty good in the scheme of things. I'll have my sister in law, Judith to help me for the next few days.

I'm not sure how blip and I are going to get on for the next while. I dropped my laptop off at work before I left for my supposed 2 day short break the day before the earthquake. Now it's stuck in a damaged building. (When I start work on Monday I'll probably be at a 'pool' computer in the universities emergency house).

So, I am without a computer and right now it isn't high on my list of priorities to buy one. But I still have my Google phone, not sure if the cable broadband at home is working or not. I think my neighbours is so maybe mine is too. Let's see how many Android shots we can collectively endure ;-)

I hoped to post a few comments tonight but it's 10.15pm already. Chances are with only my phone I may comment even less than I have been. It's not intentional, just circumstances.

I'm hoping I can quickly slip down to the beach in the morning and catch the sunrise. No matter what, the sun always rises and that's important to remember at present.

A few of you have asked about the Fur Child. He is fine. With ongoing aftershocks I felt it was fairest to everyone (neighbours, me and Fur Child) to book him into the 5 star luxury cat accommodation in the same building as his vet. For the first day or so after the quake I didn't know if the building was ok. It's fine and although initially he and all the other cats were stressed he's doing fine. This time tomorrow night he'll be happily asleep on the bottom of my bed.

Thanks again for the tremendous support from your comments. It is very humbling.

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