Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

The Long and Winding Road.

This is the youngest, Ro Ro, a bit fed up of riding his bike on the village circuit so he decided to push it. Tried to explain that it is actually easier to ride a bike than push it but he wasn't having any of it.

Ro was a bit off colour last night, complaining of ear ache then he had a bit of a restless night. When he got up this morning he was tired and I asked if his ear was alright and he said it was so off to school he went. Within an hour and a half of being at work, I received a call from the school to collect Rowan as he'd been "violently sick"! Oh dear. I collected him and he was a little pale but not too bad. He definitely chirped up in the afternoon but what really made him smile was the fact that one of the school assistants, who...if I am to believe every word which comes out of my children's lips, which, of course, I "an ogre from Hell", had the lovely job of cleaning up the violent sick! Later, we made him get on his bike and cycle 3 miles to get some fresh air and "feel better"! (It's a joke, he wanted to do it, honestly!!)

Now I am wondering about that pancake from yesterday....

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