Inspired By Life...

By lauratelfer

yet another day stuck in the flat

getting cabin fever, i hate being stuck inside! however my lovely medicated sleep lasted til about noon, which meant i missed the postman delivering my wide-angled/macro lens attatchment...

ended up sticking a pair of trackies and a hoody on and attempted to walk round the block to go collect it so i could use it for my blip, but my head started spinning and i had to sit down by the time i got to the bottom floor of my flat....(Q the retreat back to the flat)

Settled for this one, purposly overexposed to get rid of the lovely dark marks under my eyes and make look semi alive lmao

another reason for me wanting to get well again is that my bordom has led to ebay shopping.... new lens^^ and i bought a flashgun today aswell, going to end up skint at this rate, but im really excited to get my flashgun :D

doctors tomorrow hopefully, wish me luck! :D

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