No time to waste?

By jt

Catch the wind

The bluetits have started eating the fat ball - but still not quite used to it, so not letting me get behind the tripod for a shot! Perhaps tomorrow....

Did get a nice bluetit shot today, but here's something a bit different. Had a very unexpected walk at the Kingoodie end of Invergowrie Bay this afternoon - hadn't planned to go, last minute whim sort of thing. Got some shots of a few very nervous teal (too far away to be decent shots), the males' colours really impressive in the sun; a few curlew (such as these); about 80 oystercatchers playing on the wind; sparrows, chaffinches, bluetits - and a yellowhammer, possibly a female too - again, the photos aren't quite sharp enough for here, slightly too far away - got very excited by him! Incidentally, I nearly froze my fingers off for these shots! Car said 7deg - windchill felt like -7!

Then, while in the midst of thickets heaving with birds (mostly sparrows), I had a very random thought.... Sparrowhawk restaurant.

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