No Ticket!

Tickets are an integral part of "modern" life. We need them to gain admittance, get rides, possibly win a prize, to help organize who is next in a queue, to reclaim a coat or repaired shoes, to pay a fee for parking where we weren't supposed to be parking, and so forth.
When they are finished doing their job they become obsolete, unnecessary, useless and we cast them away! throw them at other objects, subject them to indignities like being bent, folded, spindled AND mangled, finally to be discarded. Sometimes they land in the proper receptacle, but more and more I see things being discarded in inappropriate places.

Such was the fate of this ticket - thrown on the ground: no hope to be recycled.

These thoughts made me think about other inanimate objects we discard so blithely, throughout our planet.
We have become so accustomed to indiscriminately getting and then discarding things, that we no longer just do it with the inanimate, but callously mistreat living objects as well: those unwanted plants, pets and yes, GASP! even people!
That's the crime of the "me, me, me! " mindset - not accepting that we are a small part of a larger whole and our actions DO affect more than just ourselves.

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