Over the bridge and through the woods

My favorite derelict building, still inaccessible due to thick snow and ice but soon, very soon.

The color version shows the silo's reflection better but the black and white isn't too shabby. I'll put whichever version up based on the majority vote, this being a democracy.

Not being a parent or grandparent myself I'm sometimes harshly reminded of what they go through. My charge today: pick up my little girliefriend at her friend's house after they walk three blocks from school. Had it been a bit warmer, I would have walked but decided to take the car instead and wait for them at the school gate; save them the dawdling stroll and myself some time. My little friend appeared without her walking buddy and had no idea where she was. Back to the school we went, none of the teachers knew where she was. I felt a bit like throwing up. Finally, after circling the blocks a few times, we caved in and went to her house where her mom told us that the dad picked her up an hour early from school. Jeez o flip. I would have so many more gray hairs if I were a parent.

I've been informed by my little friend that for Halloween this year, she wants to be Cora from TRON: Legacy. Here's how she phrased it (seven years old and a master at psychology) "I think I want to be Cora from TRON: Legacy but my dad thinks that costume will be really hard to make so he thought we could ask your advice."

Oh dear, that's a far cry from Mary Poppins and the easy one I made last year. I better start researching glow-in-the-dark cording. Haven't seen the movie yet, either. Time to rent it. Will I come through? Can I do it? This might be the one that stumps me. Maybe since the movie is new and such a huge deal there will be a ready-made Cora out there for the buying. I can only hope.

Edit: I stayed up two more hours after posting, Googling my brains out for anything about the Cora suit and found this incredibly detailed description. I'm psyched! Probably won't find the components at my local fabric store but at least I know how they did it.

Edit2: I stayed up another hour and found a number of youtube videos about glow tape and EL Wire and some demos on how to make a TRON costume. It's looking very promising. Isn't the Internet amazing.

Edit3: I stayed up another half hour and realised it's spelled Quorra, not Cora. Told you I haven't seen the movie.

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