an old cynic's view

By superhero

my most difficult and stressful shot ever

I could hear this wee chap chirping away in a tree when I went to pick Megan up from school
There was no way I wasn't getting a shot
All the Mums were watchng this crazy old man struggling through hedges and wire fencing ,camera at the ready
A few explitives from me and tut tuts from the Mums, but I was getting a shot at any cost.
The thought never occured to me that me creeping about the hedgerows with a camera near a school would cause any grief --then I realised how it might look.
Eventually I got enough of a sight to get a few shots as the bell went
I can tell you Igot some very strange looks when I finished
A day in the life of a Blipper
Not my best but it had to be my blip after the trauma I went through to get it
ha ha

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