happily ever after...

By thir13en

Bond St - At night

Rainy evening.

I know my light blips are supposed to be done, but couldnt find a more interesting subject.
Plus i liked that i caught those guys crossing the street.
Having fun in photoshop, upped the blues (the sky looked awesome)
& I also pulled the yellows in the colour balance. I liked how the street came out as yellow as it did..
I also like the magenta lights that shone through..

("shone" is a word right? my mac seems to think so.. no red squiggly lines, haha)

also: Stop & Stare - Onerepublic
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do you see what I see...

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