A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Bright and Cheery

Fuzzy things lovely production once again. I had this or another wild type of flower ( I prefer the other) but the undergrads here at work and my coworkers loved the softness of this image, soo I posted it for them and for you. Its actually appropriate on some level, it reminds me so much of one of my close friends. I have a Sean McConnel song stuck on repeat today.

Nothing breaks me..
I am the wind,
Solid as a rock,
No tears will slip these eyes.
No one knows from where I come
No one knows where I am going
Yet somehow you found a way
to hold me down.
To capture my attention.
Like Gravity you pin me down.
Little by little you've found my cracks,
Exploited them, chipped at them.
You could break me.
What happens when the wind,
Is no longer free?

Copyright 2011

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