Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia

The Lights Are Calling, Calling, Calling...

My day: groggy morning with bagel breakfast, Hulu-streamed episode of Parks and Rec., several hours of nail-biting news-reading (all bad/depressing : Japan, Tibet and China, Libya, Afghanistan,Wisconsin, Manhattan, etc., etc.), music, recycling, walk to Whole Foods, lunch (Turkey Pesto sandwich - closest sandwich here so far to the ones Whole Foods made back home), walk to library to return Balkan Ghosts (too depressing to read), then on to the bank (teller asked if it was Anastasia or Anastasia; OhMyGawd, actual human interaction! and sweet, too!; we're getting to know each other, piece by piece, visit by visit -- first visit I remember I asked about the dog biscuits/treats on their counter), then next door to Starbucks (unfortunately no palatable local coffee shops here), where another kind interaction surprised me (cashier offered me a small dessert treat for free with my frapp. -- cute little Red Velvet Whoopie Pie -- it was so adorably little, hence the blip!), then home to unpack groceries and read more depressing news stories, but also take the blip, play Angry Birds, and get lost in maze of my slow computers and their million internet tabs. I need to get my life back, geeeeez.

Thoughts with those struggling now in Japan and elsewhere along the Pacific basin!

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