One Man, Four Cats!

By MattHaighPhoto


Wow! My first milestone!!!

I guess this is the bit where everyonegets all sentimental......well why break with tradition...

I started Blipping mainly to motivate me to find the time to take more photos, something I love doing. As my username suggests, I initially took our cats as my main subject, hence their appearance today, however as my first 100 blips have unfolded I have taken more and more pleasure from exploring other photography technics and subjects (with varying success).

The reason this site is so addictive are the excellent contributers, so thank you to one and all, especially those who have took the time to leave comments and feedback.

Anyway a personal top 3 of my blips so far...

3. Favourite local Blip

2. Favourite Cat Blip

1. Favourite landscape

So onwards to 200, but first a well deserved drink, photographing 4 cats can be thirsty work!!

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