Planko's Pics

By planko


Last night i was abducted by some invisible aliens. Somehow they managed to manipulate my thoughts, and forced me to drink some strange beverages that made me go all dizzy, go to the toilet a lot, slur my words and talk more nonsense than usual. I know i was abducted, as i lost a few hours. I can remember going into a building in Edinburgh at 18.30, and remember being outside at 23.30 but the bit in between is a blur!

Another side affect of this funny brew was that it made me very hungry and the aliens forced me to go for a curry at 11.30pm.

Today they seem to have left me along, but left me with a very sore head, so I'm having to take these magic tablets. A friend has suggested an old witches brew known as "hair of the dog". I'm intrigued and think i shall try it out to see if it helps....

As for probes, the less said, the better!


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