Day Of The Diva

By Katherineellis

Mynt Lounge VIP Miami Beach

Another eventful day!
After 3 hours sleep I decided to cop some rays so walked down to Ocean Drive to meet Sally and Stew for coffee, on the way I bumped into Miguel Migs, he was in NZ on NYE with me, really good to see him again!
While I was sitting there I recognized a lovely girl called Venera who I met in Kazahkstan and we had a chat, such a small world!
Finally met Lisa Pure and an Irish singer called Tamra, I sang Lost for Roger Sanchez with Lisa but we've never met, she was lovely!
Had lunch with Chris Willis, he is so nice!
Then I slept for 4 hours and then it was off to Mynt Lounge for my show! DJ Tom Novy was on, very good!
My show went so well and afterwards we stayed until closing time drinking PJ, I did another set later on too, it was all a lot of fun, my blip shows one of their beautiful hostesses bringing more champagne for us!
Afterwards we went to the W Hotel which is fabulous! We had breakfast there and then went up to our friends penthouse for more fun and silliness!
I'm afraid it's now 1.30pm and I still haven't been to bed!
Tonight I am singing at Mova alongside
Crystal Waters and Kristine W, DJ Ron is playing too, he interviewed me in London recently and we've been hanging out lots over here, I really like him, he's so lovely and supportive, really been great getting to know him better.
So basically I am having a blast!!!!

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