Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Got a lie in today, thanks to lovely hubby. Kids then went to the gym with him while I baked him his (delayed) birthday cake. Thought about blipping it but William was so excited when he saw it we had to cut it before I had chance.

So these are my daffs in the back garden. I love them as they are such a lovely pale yellow incomparison to the 'normal' daffodils. I had loads of them last year, but a lot less this year. Don't know if it is just a bad year or whether the severe winter has caused the buds not to form?

Carys was a little upset today as her swimming teacher taught her for the last time today. Very sad as she is a brilliant teacher and Carys has had her for three years now. But she is stopping for health reasons so you can't argue that and hopefully she'll get better now she isn't hopping in and out of the pool.

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