The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Super Bowl Sunday

First I will reminisce on last night: Jessica and I went to a house show/party which was kinda fun, mostly because we made up a fun game in the park where we'd run around and copy each others moves. ie running around trees, over picnic tables, kick trees, make animal noises, and slide down slides. After the show and playing in the park we went to a place in Austin on 7th street called the Beauty bar and danced for like two hours straight. I like that we rule the dance floor (besides some girls that can break dance).
Today my dad had a super bowl (42) party which was a bit of fun. Events taking place: football, beer, football, gambling, karaoke, and calories. Apparently Super Bowel Movement Sunday is the biggest calorie intake day of the year here in the U.S. This is true because people eat a bunch of shit: queso and chips, buffalo wings(greasy slimy chicken), cheese, beer, and other very fatty party foods. I ate some crackers and cheese and even some veggies and chocolate but my biggest calorie intake was probably the beer. I had six total which is really a lot for a 110 lbs. 5'3 girl and still was not drunk. I'm pretty intense though, so what can I say??? This is a picture of my brothers friend Mason singing a God awful Ashlee Simpson song via Karaoke.
Anyways the NY Giants ended up winning which is pretty cool because they were the underdogs to the New England Patriots. Ok, now I really have no idea what is going on in football but since money was involved I was pretty attentive.

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