Perfect balance

I caught this squirrel lady in the shed. She jumped on top of the door then clung on to the top of it with her back paws while grabbing the fatball-feeder with her front paws. She grabbed enough for a pawful then hoisted herself back to balance on top of the door. Amazing acrobatics. She has left some for the birds, so that's OK.

It was a gorgeous day today. So much so that I took a cup of coffee and sat outside at 8am to soak up the first of the sun's rays. Whisky-cat thought that having company in the garden was fantastic and did a complete range of cute roly-polies to celebrate. Around 10am, I noticed that the lump of soil in the corner had started moving. I did a 'Whoop!' then ran over to welcome Omar the tortoise back to the world after four months of hibernation. She was very groggy and muddy, but after a wash, I saw that her shell was OK. I put down some water and she promptly stood on it and tipped it over. So, that's normal. By the end of the day, she'd covered herself in soil again, but then most souls wish to go back to bed after a good, long sleep. I'm very relieved that she survived the cold winter - I was a little worried. However, at such a grand age, I'm sure she's more used to dealing with UK temperatures than I am!

I also earned brownie points for Mum - I finally bought and put up decent curtains in the front room. They really show off the beautiful bay window. Hooray! Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort just to get round to doing one thing.

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