Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Slash and (possibly not) burn.....

The bottom end of the garden is slowly strangling itself to death, that monumental bush on the right went in as a cutting about 5 years ago as did the forsythia and bamboo on the's time for a cull....especially as I rather fancy trying growing some veg this year. Also hopefully going to the great compost heap in the sky is that ornamental cherry (ornamental only in the sense that it manages 2 or 3 days worth of blossom in the spring before the wind strips it off and a handful of inedible fruits in the autumn that even the birds turn their beaks up at) Not the best day for the exercise, its damp and cold, but the bro-in-law, who's offered to do the slashing, is made of stern stuff and has a better waterproof than me......don't think we'll be building a bonfire though.....

Internet still as dead as a doornail.....this blip-and-run comes courtesy of Mrs did yesterdays. Ta missus, you're a star! I'm pretty sure the problem is all down to my ancient (retro beige, probably suffering Bakelite-fatigue/catastrophic valve failure) modem that's been in constant use for about 15 years.....hey, it's had a good innings (it started its internet career in the early days of local, snail-slow dial-up and miraculously only sports one stubborn bloodstain) but no amount of rebooting/resetting/swearing at/poking with pointy sticks makes any difference....much like me it's probably an age thing. Roll on Monday morning when a Virgin (techie) knight skids to a halt at the castle gates on his noble white charger (OK, so that's more likely to be a guy wearing a t-shirt responsible for a dodgily parked white van outside the front door....but, y'know, a girl can always live in hope) to just possibly restore my online sanity!

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