Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Vibrating Noise

Not really, but when I took the picture I liked the way the amp looked like it was vibrating.

It was actually very calm and mellow where we were :P A little coffee shop on campus called kafe kerouac. Jessi and I had never been, but Allison recommended it and so we all met up to study. Not that I have any studying to be done, but I have an interview to prepare for on Tue, so I was doing research and prep for that.

Jessi had messaged me earlier on so I drove on to campus to get some work done; study party sort of thing. Ended up going to McDonalds with her roommate Cori, then leaving for the cafe. Stayed till close, then went over to her guy friends house to see the game. We met up after it had ended, but hung around and watched tv till they headed to bed.

Then decided we still weren't tired so went out in search of movies. I was really up for Boondocks but we never ended up finding it (since it was after midnight and blockbusters was closed). We then traveled all the way out to 161 from campus since I was thinking there was a Walmart, but after getting there realized it was the wrong part of town and I had no idea how to get there. After turning around 5 times in some questionable turns, we went to Giant Eagle, just before close (5 minutes exactly). Didn't find Boondocks, so Jessi grabbed The Prestige.

Finally made it back to campus around 1:30 and were up till 4, watching the movie and eating pizza. I made it home about 4:30 and was in bed at 5. Ahh college living, how I miss it. I needed a few late nighters recently. All in all; great night :)

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