Castle Erbhof, Thedinghausen

I took my scouts on a hike to Thedinghausen, 20 km from Bremen, today. We had wonderful weather and walked for more than 4 hours along the Eyter, a tributary of the Weser, the river that runs through Bremen. It felt like this year's first day of spring! =D

The castle was build in 1620 for Archbishop Johann Friedrich of Bremen, who needed a home for his lady friend, the widow Gertrud v. Hemeling- Heimbruch. Oh dear.

The architectural style is called Weser Renaissance, named after the river. This type of brick building is typical for the area.

In the evening I went to a Simone Kermes concert with Neapolitan airs from the 18th century. She's an absolutely stunning singer, and the evening was terrific.

Lazy Sunday tomorrow... Have a good time! :-)

River Weser At Hann. Münden May 2010

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