Tuesday? What Tuesady?

So as family tradition has it, we missed Pancake Tuesday, Fat Donut Thursday and Ash Wednesday, which means I haven't given up anything for yet.

At least I made pancakes today (hurray for Adelaide Cup public holiday in South Australia). Served with all sorts of things and my home-made home-grown fig jam in the little jar with tomato salsa label on.

The picture was much nicer with the live model in it, but Little Miss Sunshine didn't get dressed much for breakfast and I draw the line there, as to what I can put up on a public viewing site.

Autumn is so beautiful here. Hot, sunny day, cool nights, crickets, a bit of changing colour on some trees. Also good weather forecast for the rest of the week. All this doesn't make want to go back to work. And the dog needs the bath very soon.

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