
By nameiwantstaken

Day 1 of my bird a day challenge- LAPWING

Today was the first day of my "Post a photo of a different species of bird each day for a week" challenge..

I went on a walk, and was really happy with what I saw. A lovely male Lapwing displaying! The classic Peewit flight and call, flicking its rump up to reveal its orangey brown bottom! It spent a lot of time flying around mobbing corvids, a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk, and 3 black headed gulls. I saw what I assume was a female too, because he tolerated her.

Because of this behavior, I've got my fingers crossed that they'll breed. This would be AMAZING!! :D

I'm also gonna take my hide out to this site, as today it was an unexpected sight, and i hid in the rough grass at the edge of the field!

Next week, quite a few people are gonna try and do another cahllenge called ROYGBIV. We will post a photo each day (starting nxt MON.) of something the colour of the rainbow of that day. If you'd like to join in, use the Twitter hashtag #ROYGBIV and title your Blip ROYGBIV so its easier to look at everybody's! :)

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