
By willcarroll

10 things...

Today, James and I together invented a new, and highly illuminating psychological experiment. I wonder if you care to try it... It works best between two people.

First of all, pick out ten characteristics that might be important to a person. They could be anything you like. The wider the better. We picked the following set:

1 Earnings
2 Intelligence
3 Height
4 Sporting Physique
5 Facial Appearance
6 Ability to make people laugh
7 Willie Length (or boob size, I guess)
8 Creativity
9 Kindness
10 Trustworthiness

But you go for your own list, don't just copy our ideas.

Now, here is the beginning of the interesting part! Clearly, as you have picked this list, you have identified qualities/attributes of a person that you place some stock in.

This is the key question: If you were given the chance either to be average in each of these, or to gamble that you might be 25% above average again an evens chance of ending up 25% below that same average, what would you do?

Would you stick with the safety of averageness, or would you gamble?

Well, unfortunately, in this game, you don't get a free choice! Not quite...

Rather, you may pick any 5 to keep as "average", and any 5 that you would gamble.

Do it one after the other, and do it blind so that the first person's choice doesn't affect the second.

Is it easy, or is it hard to pick?
Did you think of the plus side: "Wouldn't it be good if..."
Or did you think of the negative side: "I couldn't live without..."
Which have a big penalty for losing out on?
Which bring a great benefit to be ahead of the pack?

James and I were surprised at how different our answers were, and how different our reasoning in choosing was. And how much we changed our minds upon seeing the others' answers!

And just for a bit of fun, go and toss a coin to see where you fall (and if ou are lucky as me, who ended up with 5 "+25% throws!)

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