roots and wings

By rootsandwings

queso heaven

this morning our spanish class made our way to a market in the next town over to look at the different fruits and vegetables available here in ecuador. needless to say, i couldn?t think of a better way to spend a morning of class. tasting new fruits, drinking amazing juices (alfalfa and blackberry anyone?), exploring the goods.

but even better, our next stop was a natural foods store. a little taste of heaven. 1. here in ecuador, amazing chocolate is a local product ? and this place had the best selection ive seen yet 2. the cooler full of goat milk products quickly caught paige and my eye. before you knew it we were devouring a round of phenomenal cheve, refusing to share with the others. 3. before long ill be getting an email from the owner to let me know he has tahini? hummus here i come!

and so they day continued. an afternoon cooking hamburgers and sides with a few friends at one of the volunteers houses. sitting out on his porch with a perfect view of the mountains, blue skies overhead, i put together this tasty treat. blue cheese, bacon, and avocado.

my stomach may have gone to nostalgic heaven today (mostly due to my consumption of cheese), and is now prepared to return to ecuadorian foods (aka queso fresco).

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