must try harder

By halfcj

A game of two halves.

Tom had discovered an iPhone App that provided him with much amusement and a shed load of 'one-liners', amusing anecdotes that he could use on his mates down the pubs or the ladies in the clubs. Not that he goes to many nowadays...too busy working til midnight in the restaurant. Messes up your social life a wee bit!

Anyhow, he read a number to me, some of which amused me, but I was struck by how many of them I had heard when I was his age 30 years ago. What happens to them? they sink into the abyss only to be resurrected every 30 years or so, to become foder for todays comedic authors? Maybe we are the first generation to experience this recycled humour? I'm not sure 60 years ago, the humour was quite the same, but maybe we re-cycled 10 year old humour, I'm not sure.

There was one that I felt was worth sharing with you as it still made me laugh, albeit a modern version of the one I heard in 1972 but, in essence, identical:

Foreign employee rings into work and speaks to his boss in his pigeon english.
"Can't come today Boss, feeling ill - can't tell what is, just queezy, headache, feel sure going to be sick, maybe spot o' man flu?" he explains.
The Boss comes back with a solution...
"Stay away from work today, don't want anything spread around, and when I feel like this, I always make love to the wife, find it perks me up real quick. You should try it".
"OK Boss"
Next morning, employee rings in bright and early and gets the Boss:
"Coming to work early Boss, feel much better, suggestion work very good" he says.
"Told you it would!" say the Boss triumphantly.
Employee goes to put the phone down, but offers one last compliment to the Boss...
"By Way Boss, lovely house you have!"

I wasn't feeling sick this morning, so just got on with my work and cracked nicely through my creative pitch for tomorrow. Very pleased with it actually! Nice job even if I say so myself! Plus the sun was shining all morning and I had to close my blinds so I could see my screen! So work done, I took the dog up to Bushy Park whilst B had some beauty time at the local salon (not that she needs it - looking more and more beautiful by the moment!).

So there I am, outdoors for the first time today, taking Dylan for a run around...and someone decides to turn the lights out!? What's that about? All morning, sun sun sun. I step outside, clouds come out to play with my joy! I found the fallen tree and watched the clouds roll in while Dylan ran around me like his usual loonatic self. It reminded me of the Orange TV ad a few years ago shot in Richmond Park, the Welshie running around a family having a picnic sitting on a fallen oak. (Although mine was no picnic)

This was the perfect blip fo me today, although I could not show the contrast between morning and afternoon, you must take my word about the amazing warm light of the morning, but this does capture the cold murky afternoon which was in fact only taken around 3.30pm. Bet it'll be the opposite tomorrow - just because I'm off in the morning and pitching in the afternoon!

Is he watching do you think?

PS - Just in case you are tempted to think...Gods honest truth- no HDR in this!
PPS - Oh...and notice the new fencing around one of the trees in the distance. They regulary have to replace them as the deer gnaw away at them to get to the sappling growth!

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