While on my runs

By waipushrink

Autumnal roses

The list of challenge themes I printed out at the beginning of my participation in the 2011 Challenge had this week listed as Spring/Autumn. I have therefore been looking to a Southern hemisphere approach to the challenge i.e autumn I have seen that there is some debate on that. Having seen some links in previous weeks with little or no connection to the theme, I will reference this unless asked to remove it.

It is a photograph taken while on my run this morning through Gribblehirst Park. A month or so ago, this rose bed was looking quite bedraggled, near the end of its beauty I thought. This morning the roses looked splendid and the botanically educated S informed me that many roses will have a second flowering in autumn. So this isn't just a hangover effect.

I switched the flash on for this shot, and that has created some flatness in the image. However, it has presented the colour of the roses as I saw then (in the semi dark), and I am delighted to see the drops of water shining on the rose petals.

When humans harness nature to create beauty, we are creative. This is a free, open, public park. The roses have no purpose other than to provide their viewers with happiness and comfort and hopefully peace.

My run energised me for the day.

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