Way of Life

By wayoflife


Another day off from work. I've spent the day again alternating between the national TV station's emergency broadcast, Facebook, the Guardian and Japan Times websites, and the British Embassy's website, searching, searching, searching for the most up-to-date information. I've read so much that I'm not taking any of it in any more.

There was a big aftershock during the night but today hasn't been bad at all...apart the constant worry of a nuclear meltdown.

Some of the supermarkets are pretty stocked up. Lots a veg and meat in one of the one's we went to so it doesn't feel so strange. Although on the way home, the queue outside the rice shop was huge. Should we hunker down or not?! There are warnings for people to not stock-pile too much food.

My French friend has set off towards the airport today to get out while he can on the advise of the French government. The English government hasn't said anything yet. My girlfriend's family lives over in a different prefecture so we can move over there if things go a little crazy here in Tokyo.

Anyway, I feel this is getting into a ramble so there you go: two old ladies and a mobile phone. Snapped on the way to the (currently not so) supermarket

Thanks for all your messages, everyone. I've enjoyed reading every single one.

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