Nell's World

By nell2803

Third Robin

This is the third time I have blipped a robin. In my defence I haven't blipped one for 34 days.

As it has been snowing, though thankfully not landing, for the best part of the day I didn't think I would be able to do an outside blip. I had an idea that if I took some bread with me and stopped at the little lake I might be able to snap the ducks flying in to get the bread. Even the ducks seem fed up with the weather and took their time swimming over to me. I managed to get some passable duck pictures while sticking the camera out of the car window. Then, along came this little chap. Well, what can you do. You can't ignore it. So, he is today's blip.

Funny. A few short months ago I would have been over the moon with this shot yet today I feel it is a bit boring in a 'seen it before' kind of way. Blip has certainly changed how I look at the things around me and the way they are photographed.

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