
By director2be

Battle of the Books

Today was a showdown. I didn't win, but the team who did really deserved it. Let me explain..... For the past month I have read and reread fifteen picture books with my team, called the "BBQ Booksters." Then it all came down to this. Our librarian aasked us may questions about the books in five diffrent rounds, one point for each question correct. I went against three other teams, and with a total of 15 points, went into a tie-breaker round. We lost 16-17, but I had the time of my life (and got a cool ceritficate). This picture was taken after the contest.

Since we are on a socail networking site, I thought this fact was intresting: The average American spends a third of their overall time online playing games and using social networks. It might be more for me.

On another note, I went to my local shelter today to see if there was anything I can do to help out, and I found out that they have 200 cats. WOW! All I can say is, adopt from a shelter, not a breeding place.

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