
Sorry if the following doesn't make any sense: just got suspended so this is a replacement... oh well...

It's a gorgeous day outside and I had planned to go out for a walk but I am cream crackered. What I thought was jet lag has turned into some kind of viral respiratory tract infection and I've got itchy eyes, a runny nose and I my legs feel like a wobbly jelly so I'm not going anywhere.

Got to get better by tomorrow though as I've got a pal's 50th to go to. So need to drink plenty and keep warm. Suffice it to say that I am well wrapped up - so much so that, if layers are the new best thing in ultimate fashion, you should expect to see me on the front cover of Vogue sometime soon. (Of course I'm not sure how the red snitch and bleary peepers will work... LOL!).

So to the blip - ranunculus, a relative of the buttercup but with lots of layered petals, inside a glass tea pot. Here's hoping they work.

PS Understand why people are thinking about the Japanese economy just now, but how callous do you have to be to discuss the current situation as a boost to future development of the same? Whether there's truth in it or not, that's just sick!

PPS First three comments pertain to the removed entry.

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