a life in photos

By fernridge

LOOK MUM .... NO....


Absolutely shocking photo - I actually had the camera out trying to take a decent photograph of the gorgeous huge rainbow above the mountain, but they didn't work.... it was almost sunset and very low light.

Mr H was having a spin around on Larry - bareback with the halter and lead rope. Next minute he goes - look mum! And look I did - he had unhitched the lead rope from the halter and and just had it wrapped around Larry's neck and that was all he had control of him with, that and his seat and legs. Larry is such a dude... 3 yrs old, still green and he handles it like a pro. Walked, jogged, stopped, turned a heap of serpentines, a turn on the haunches and backed up, like it was totally normal.

Low light makes for a shocking photo - couldn't figure out how to sort it quick enough with this camera, but you get the drift.

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