
By snehith

The F3R

Yes this was a note on my facebook wall today. Read on if you havent already done it there ! :)

Yes. I can sleep well, knowing that people all around the worl, especially bachelors,living outside their homes and looking out for options for food can cook something that is easy, effective, and yes tasty !

I am talking about the French Fries Fried Rice i made this evening folks ! I know i know sounds strange, but you gotta try it ! I thoroughly enjoyed it and yes, i am going to give you the secret recipe now ! So switch on your world of culinary skills now !

Ok Here goes.

Ingredients :

~ Frozen cooked rice ( Yes the one that has been left over from last night's dinner or the afternoon's lunch )

~ One S/M/L French fries ( Any company would do. Size depends on the amount of rice you are left with )

~ Tomate Ketchup ( You would definitely get some sachets with the fries so they should do )

~ Salt, Pepper and Chilli powder for taste

~ Chopped onions and coriander for garnishing

~ Half tablespoon of Oil

Method :
~ Heat the pan ( preferably non stick) on 6/7 Lite

~ Add half table spoon of oil

~ Add the frozen rice into the pan

~ Fry for a minute until the rice starts kicking ass :P

~ Add the fries and salt, chilli powder and some pepper in proportion

~ Mix well and fry gently for 2 minutes

~ Add ketchup ( half a sachet ) and mix

~ Remove from the pan and garnish with coriander

And the F3R is ready !
Serve hot with ketchup.

Total cooking time < 5 minutes.

You can try improvising by adding your own ingridients ( Noodles for example ;) )

So thats it folks !

Another day, another dish !

Happy Cooking ;).

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