This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

My name is Megan Chapman.

I happen to be an artist.
I was born this way and I trained for it too and I am still learning.
Sometimes I struggle with depression and anxiety and have for most of my life. I have never taken medication for it. I am not proud of this, just stating a fact.
Sometimes I feel I really suck at living this life. Sometimes I am really good at the living part and I excel. Some would even say I overcompensate. The world scares me beyond belief at times, but I still feel it is a beautiful place and I love all the people on it. I have created a wonderful community of friends near and far and I am very fortunate. I support myself completely off my art, and it is an amazing feat. I am very proud of this. When I talk about art I have no fear. When I make my art I am alive. I love to encourage other artists on this path because it is a hard one. I am an open book when it comes to this and have mentored many artists and it is one of the greatest rewards and gifts I have been given.

Sometimes I lose my passwords to my accounts, or am late on my rent/bills but it all works out. Sometimes I have bad skin, my hair is fine and thin, sometimes I am fit and sometimes I am not. Sometimes my house is clean and most of the time it is dirty. Sometimes I drink too much and eat strange foods. Sometimes I take care of myself and sometimes I don't. I am not good at seeing shades of grey. I am more black and white/ all or nothing. I am an imperfect perfectionist.

I hide a lot when I am unhappy with myself.
I am tired of hiding.

Sometimes my cat walks by when I take the picture.
My name is Megan Chapman
Pleased to meet you.


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