Shooting The Breeze

By gnarwhal

Haha! I'm a genius!

I worked out how you backblip...or alternatively it's super straightforward that if you haven't uploaded the picture you took yesterday and try to do it today then you can as long as you actually took it yesterday.

Today's blip is suffering from J.J. Abrams style lens flare or flashbounce as i like to call it! That's the problem with taking a blip of a reflective surface in low light in a gloomy kitchen. I should have taken this one earlier but once i got it into my head that it was going to be today's blip well that was that. This is Andrew's most recent creation with our ransom note fridge magnets. More often than not they say things like "mum = 100%snot" or "I am a bum" but i thought this showed a degree of creepy poetic skill.

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