The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


...the sunset when I went to the hotel to pay my rent (and finally get my electricity money back!).

Probably the first time I've managed to get the bird in focus when doing a shot like this!! And a very rare completely unaltered image - 'no cropping or nuffing like'

Been at uni from 10am-5pm working/lectures. Tired now. Want to finish this essay by 5pm tomorrow so I can catch the train home. Got lots I want/need to do in Sheffield - Like sorting stuff out for New Zealand (North Island - leaving on the 1st April), meeting Rosie who's just finished (!) her term at Cambridge, orienteering, seeing friends, sorting out dissertation etc etc.

Anyway, all depends on me finishing this essay, so I better get on with it!!

Apologies in advance, I probs won't be commenting tonight

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