Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Thunder and Rain

Wanted to capture the lightning, but it wasn't cooperating. It was only flashing instead of going off in streaks. (That is such an odd sentence, but I really had no clue of how to word it otherwise) :P

Thank you all for commenting on my blip yesterday. I'm doing better, just was having a day. But I very much appreciate all the positive thoughts and support.

Today was better and the interview went alright. There were some hitches, but hopefully all is well. Went back to kafe kerouac, then home for dinner. It was really foggy so I didn't go back out as planned.

Thunderstorms this morning and tonight. I hate the gloomy rain, but thunderstorms always make me happy. Makes no sense I know but hey, we had them so I'm happy!

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