Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Dear Calpol

When tears start and tempers fray,
And fever looks like it's here to stay,
There's one answer clear and true,
Yes dear Calpol, the answer's you.

Sickly sweet and brightest pink,
(No matter what the good mums think
The sugar free stuff's not so good:
'Can't tell the difference' - Our girls could!)

It only takes a single spoon*
And happiness returns quite soon
Perhaps so soon it can't be true
But Calpol, I'd not question you!

Whatever's in your pink elixir
Lyra's quite convinced you'll fix 'er.**
The moment that her troubles start
Only Calpol can soothe her poorly heart***


* infant medicine dispensing syringe was too hard to rhyme with
** are you impressed at the hideousness of this rhyme?
***tooth / head / fever delete as applicable

(Thank you for 100,000 views despite our absence, for which, apologies)

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