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After a few days of unsuccessfully bidding on snowsuits on eBay to replace the one out of which the wingpiglet will grow within the next few days Nicky found one of an apparently acceptable appearance for £10 in Lidl this afternoon, albeit one without integral hands and feet. The hands are already covered by the zip-up-the-side glove things we picked up the other week but the feet were a problem, given the potential occupant's propensity to remove slippers, socks and the elastic things we put over his socks to try and keep them on despite his wrigglings. Using a very small bit of the huge bag of fleece we retrieved from her mother's loft at the weekend Nicky has constructed a set of feet to append to the suit which will probably be immense fun to fit, though probably slightly easier than trousers which require the obedience of two legs simultaneously.

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