
By notabeve

Mistaken Identity

Our last day of vacation we packed the heel of whole wheat bread and cheese and fruit and leftovers and yogurt from our fridge into a plastic grocery bag in preparation for a picnic before we had to be at the airport.

After an errand or two we found an inviting looking park with benches to sit on, important because the grass though green, was very wet. And free parking.

A step or two into the park brought a few interested mallard ducks. More steps brought more ducks and more. And even more. Very polite, they choreographed themselves in a big swirling comma behind us as we headed for a park bench and then stood back a courteous distance and waited for us to unpack our bag.

And then striding right into centre stage came this fellow. I can shorten the story by saying that we fed the birds. I have never had so much fun doing it. And part way through lunch they all swirled off and left us because the lady(clearly a regular) with the right plastic bag, the one full of duck and peacock food, had arrived near the duck pond.

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